I'm all atwitter:

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Baby's bit the dust it seems.

I've come to the conclusion I'm a shitty blogger. I read my Google Reader feeds like life depends on it, but I can't possibly be bothered to update my blog on a regular basis.

I haven't been knitting much in the past couple of weeks. I'm pissed. Pissed at my sock for being too effin big and pissed at my ability to totally eff up stockinette. Seriously. I'm just over it for a week or so. I thought I'd do a simple stockinette project (a drop-stitch shawl) to serve as mindless knitting. Obviously that was too involved b/c I have three extra stitches and that's just going to ruin the whole thing. Gotta start over. *sigh*

Maybe I should start something a little more involved? Oh wait. I bet I'll screw that up too. I'm just in a knitting funk and I'll get out of it. Promise.


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