I'm all atwitter:

Friday, March 21, 2008


Last I posted I was all "ooh I have a project to tell you about" and I never did. Whoops. I totally thought I blogged it but I didn't. I Ravelry'd it but sorta forgot y'all over here.

What'd I make that was so exciting and thrilling? Oh nothing much. Just a pair of socks.

A PAIR OF FREAKING SOCKS. They're super cute too:

Whose favorite part is that one is significantly larger than the other? I now have to make Sock #3 so that #2 has a friend that's wearable. I don't know what I'll do w/#1. Despite the sizing/gauge issue, I'm damn impressed w/my ability to line up the stripes.

Another thing I love about socks? My teeny feet. I'm usually pretty stoked about it anyway b/c cute shoes don't hurt as much and they're always available in my size but this...this is huge. I can knit and knit away and it won't take as long.

The major drawback to this all is I generally hate wearing socks. Go figure.

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